2021.8.19 MEMO
Integrate Github Enterprise and Microsoft Teams to support PR notifications in Teams channels.
Teams notifications should contain:
- filtered PR content
- corresponding PR reviewer
Possible Teams Channel Connectors
Github Teams App
GitHub + Microsoft Teams Integration
- Support all the nice features of a deeper integration with Teams.
- Can send filtered PR notifications.
- Support Github and Github Enterprise Cloud.
- The app will support GitHub Enterprise Server(GHES) in the future.
- No support for mentioning corresponding PR reviewer for now.
Issues had been discussed
- Is the Github app login feature integrated with SAML SSO ? #155
- GitHub Enterprise Server support? #27
Github Enterprise Teams App
- Provide webhook for Teams.
- Only offers notifications but lacks all the nice features of a deeper integration like the Github Teams app.
- Cannot filter PR notifications and mention member in Microsoft Teams.
- Will be removed.